5 tips on moving home with children

Make child’s play of moving home with your children with these useful pointers. 

As Vietnam has one of the fastest moving economies in the region, many new businesses are springing up. This is increasing urbanisation but also drawing in more people internationally. More expatriates are setting up home in the country’s three thriving cities of Ho Chi Minh City, Hanoi and Danang. If you are moving with children it can a little more challenging. Therefore plan ahead and use this guide to make your move within or to Vietnam, a stress-free one.

1. Declutter ahead of your move.

Decluttering in advance makes moving much easier. You do not want to move items and then realise that you no longer need them. So start going through your belongings a good couple of months in advance to make sure you have been able to do it thoroughly. Sell items on online forums or contact the wealth of charities that would gladly take your unwanted belongings.

Work your way through each room discarding items that you have not used or worn. For your children this is a time to sort their toys and donate anything that may be too young for them. Throw out any of their clothes that are stained, too small or simply not suitable.

Head to your bathroom and medical cabinet and dispose of anything past their sell by date. Use the ends of shower gel and shampoos. Take this as a time to clear our your kitchen of old food, discard any glasses with chips or any utensils that you no longer use. Lastly don’t forget to go through your pile of paperwork, throw out anything you no longer need and file the rest.

2. Don’t let stress levels rise.

Moving is considered to be one of the most stressful experiences. There is a lot to organise and a lot to achieve. You do not want to pass this onto your children otherwise it will be even harder for them. So remember to keep the move as a positive experience and avoid any negative conversations in front of them.

3. Involve your children.

Moving can be an unsettling for everyone. Children are likely to feel this more so make them feel like they are part of the move by telling them what is happening. Involve them where you can by letting them pick paint colours and where they should place their beds. Make it an exciting time and they will adapt much easier.

4. Move at the right time.

In order to minimise any disruption to your children it is probably best to avoid moving mid way through the week or even the school term can be disruptive. If you can pick a time which will give your children a chance to settle into their surroundings. During the holidays is the ideal time assuming that they are not stacked up with revision for impending exams.

5. Recruit professionals.

If you can afford to enlist the help of a professional moving company such as Saigon Van. They can move your items, pack and unpack. You can pick all three or just one depending on your requirements. But remember that they do this everyday so they will be experts in moving your home efficiently. Plus it will save you on time and make it easier for your children knowing that they can sleep in their own bed in their new home immediately. And don’t be afraid to call on the help of friends and family. You will be grateful for the extra space if you can take your children for the day in order to help with the moving process.