10 ways to make a small room feel bigger

Create the illusion of a bigger room for your home with these top tips.  

Due to sheer demand there have been calls for more compact living in Ho Chi Minh City. As the prospect of smaller unit sizes is more apparent, it can make living trickier with less storage space not to mention room to breathe. However, smaller rooms need not be cluttered. There are a number of tactics you can take on board to make your small room feel bigger.

1. Call on the help of a mirror.

There is no doubt that mirrors make rooms feel bigger. You can either strategically place one across from a window to reflect light to make a room feel bigger or even place it behind a chest to create the illusion of there being room behind the said piece.

2. Pick furniture with legs.

Creating a space under the sofa will help add to the feeling of space. So pick a sofa with exposed legs rather than a sofa that sits directly on the floor.

3. Use stripes.

Placing a large striped rug on the floor will have the same effect as wearing vertical stripes. It will make the room seems longer as a striped dress will make you look taller.

4. Paint in light colours.

Steer away from bold colours for your floors and walls and instead pick light colours to help the room feel bigger. You can even paint your ceiling in the same colour too.

5. Allow furniture to breathe.

It can be easy to think that because you do not have much space that you should push all furniture against the wall. However this makes a room feel more crowded so pull items away from the wall even if its only a couple of centimeters.

6. Utilise clever storage solution.

Having less items on show will make the room feel less cluttered and thus bigger. Use storage solutions to hide away your belongings such as a sofa or coffee table with hidden storage.

7. Go big.

Pick one big piece of artwork for your wall rather than lots of smaller pieces. You will be surprised how this makes your room feel bigger rather than smaller.

8. Hang shelves above.

In order to help draw your eye upwards hang a single shelve close to the ceiling. This will create the illusion of more ceiling height which will immediately add to the illusion of more space.

9. Fold away furniture.

If you want somewhere to sit and eat your breakfast but you are short on space, pick furniture with folding qualities. There are some clever designs on the market with even tables that shrink down to nothing.

10. Add more light.

A light room will automatically fill big. Make sure your room is lit adequately and if its an option avoid hanging any window dressings too which can close in a space.