Apartment for sale in Sunshine Horizon with area of ​​130m2 type 3 bedrooms

Hồ Chí Minh, Quận 4, Phường 4
Giá bán: ₫ 8.623 tỷ
Cần bán căn hộ chung cư 3 phòng ngủ tại Phường 4, Quận 4, Hồ Chí Minh
Mô tả chi tiết

ID tin rao: 69255

Cần bán căn hộ chung cư 3 phòng ngủ tại Phường 4, Quận 4, Hồ Chí Minh

Apartment for sale in Sunshine Horizon, located at 78 Ton That Thuyet, Ward 16, Q. 4, TP. HCM. The apartment includes 3 bedrooms, 2 bathrooms, high-class furniture. Has an area of ​​finding 130m2 wall, 119m2 waterway area, SmartHome combined apartment is very convenient for homeowners Rumo selling price: 65 million / m2 ~ 8.4 billion for Officetel apartments and 75 million / m2 ~ 9.7 billion for this type of apartment.
Hand over: VI Year 2022
Get booking APARTMENT OF SUNSHINE HORIZON DISTRICT 4: VND 100 million vnd/ booking
#Review Apartment design: 100% of Bancony Apartments run from the living room to the bedrooms like a small garden right on Using area of bancony's premises from 14 - 20m2. Designed in green architecture From the outside looking in, and from the apartment overlooking.
Booking 100 million / booking refundable when investor not get the good one on event day.
Facilities: Commercial center, Office, Serviced apartment, Apartments, Swimming pool like miniature water park, miniature park. Combining creating accents and raising prices quickly and safely.
Enjoy 4.0 Tech Sun Apps Service and Smart home 
Good Payment step by step: Progressive Payment, Appropriate purchase in the form of cumulative, Idle Cash Non-business and regular Income, according to the Real Estate Rhythm assets, After accumulating 1 Profitable assets Rent, Resell it out late base on market prices)
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Tin rao đăng bởi Công ty Proviewland, 15 Đường Số 4, Thảo Điền, Quận 2, Hồ Chí Minh, Việt Nam. Công ty Proviewland có tổng cộng 8,993 tin rao khác.

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Hồ Chí Minh, Quận 4, Phường 4
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