Dot Property Vietnam

Quick ways to upgrade your kitchen

Follow our quick tips to revamp your kitchen!

If you aren’t quite ready to invest in a whole new kitchen but you fancy a new look, a small change here and there can make a huge impact. We have selected a few ways to achieve this without breaking the bank.

1. Upgrade the unit handles.

Fashions change and some trends can pass quickly, so change the handles on your kitchen units to bring your kitchen up to date. Choose brushed or matt metals rather than wood, or any minimalist designs for a more modern feel.

2. Splash out on a new tap.

Investing in an expensive tap will instantly smarten your kitchen. Consider a copper to create a really contemporary look or even choose a tap with a hose feature, however make sure whatever you choose works with your existing look and finish.

3. Change the splashback.

Change the tiles behind your sink or counter with a glass splashback in one colour to transform your kitchen. Brick tiles are particular popular at the moment and experiment with different grout colours for a more exciting look.

4. Paint.

It might sound simple but a fresh coat of paint goes a long way. Whether you upgrade the magnolia walls to a light grey, or paint your dark brown cabinets an off grey tone, all of these will make a real difference fast.

5. Replace the lighting.

New lighting will have an aesthetic value and change the feel of your kitchen if you decide to alter the style of lighting. Spots are great for dark kitchens or consider lights under your wall units if spots are not an option.

These five options are a great way to change the look of your kitchen without having to get the kitchen designers in!