Dot Property Vietnam

What is the best way to photograph a property?

Give each of your listing the best exposure you can by taking professional photography.

Even in a buoyant market it pays to market your properties in the best possible light. Not only will it help you generate more business but it will make you as a real estate agent look professional and stand out from the competition. Ideally you would recruit the expertise of a professional photographer, however this may not always be possible. Photograph property like an expert with these quick tips.

1. Invest in proper equipment.

Taking a photograph of a room on your smartphone may seem convenient but it will not show the property in its best light. Investing in a proper camera and tripod will quickly reap the benefits. Using a wide angled lend will do wonders for your photo, so take time to consider the best set up for you but don’t over complicate it with equipment you don’t know how to get the best out of.

2. Check the lighting.

Even with the best equipment the lighting still needs to be right. Don’t shot into the glaring sunshine, turn the lights on dark rooms and open the curtains. Experiment with the lighting options and take some test photos to see what works best. Give yourself sufficient time to photograph each property rather than rushing around in a haphazard fashion.

3. Make the room inviting.

Nobody wants to see a photo of a room with an unmade bed or with the toilet seat up. It takes literally seconds to make these changes which have a huge effect on the overall look. Store away belonging, declutter and tidy up before you get snapping as clear and clean surfaces will only go to boost the property’s appeal.

4. Edit.

Once your snapping is complete it is important to take a few minutes to edit your selection. There is no point in uploading every photo with the listing as this will become tiresome for people to scroll through. Pick the best one as the leading image and remember less is more.